Beauty Podcasting with Fat Mascara Episode Guide

Beauty Podcasting with Fat Mascara Episode Guide

The ultimate beauty podcast cross-over is happening, honey! The hosts of the iconic Fat Mascara podcast, beauty editors Jessica Matlin and Jennifer Goldstein, let me record an episode of Natch in their New York studio, and EVERYTHIHNG is covered.

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Jackie J's products of the week - Indie Beauty Expo edition!

Jackie J's products of the week - Indie Beauty Expo edition!

I am back from New York and had the best time at Indie Beauty Expo! Y'all know how much I love meeting and sniffing out new indie brands to tell y'all about. This IBE was no exception. In fact, it was so dang big, I barely scratched the surface! 

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Indie Beauty Expo 2018- Bonus Natch episode!

Indie Beauty Expo 2018- Bonus Natch episode!

Surprise, my hunnies! Today, a special bonus episode of Natch Beaut is here.

To celebrate my love of Indie Beauty Expo, here are some interviews with some of my favorite brands I met at the Dallas expo, including an interview with Jillian Wright, the co-founder of the event who tells us what IBE is all about!

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