Source Vitál Apothecary with Sophia Peon-Leyva episode guide
/Today we are talking all things Source Vitál Apothecary with their skincare chemist and product developer, Sophia Peon-Leyva.
Hear Sophia and Jackie chat about adapting to the “new normal,” how to get your spa on from home, what oils and rituals can help destress us, and Jackie’s favorite Source Vitál products (such as custom facial serums, bath salts, and beard oils.)
Thank you to Source Vitál Apothecary for sponsoring this episode! Go to to enter to win a 250 dollar gift card, as well as receive 25% off your entire order.
The Source Vitál Apothecary store in Houston, TX, also offers curbside pickup right now. Indie businesses make the world go round!
Here is everything mentioned in this episode! Everything is from Source Vitál Apothecary.
Source Vitál Apothecary Chemist and Product Developer Sophia Peon-Leyva