Natch Beaut Press So Far - All in one place
/"This Week in Comedy Podcasts: Lil Rel Howery on ‘Handsome Rambler’" by Splitsider
"But ultimately it’s Johnson’s self-deprecating wit that will make you listen even if you don’t know the difference between a lip kit and a lip stick. And I have no fucking clue."
"10 Podcasts I Listen to Obsessively" on Man Repeller
"Jackie Michele Johnson is an American treasure. I started listening to Natch Beaut after hearing her on another podcast at some point because her voice is like butter. She’s a vegan and a beauty fanatic but she admits to being wildly uneducated when it comes to makeup."
"Natch Beaut’s Jackie Johnson Is The Unabashed Real Talker The Beauty Industry Needs Now" on Beauty Independent
"After only four months with Feral Audio, Natch Beaut has become the number-one fashion and beauty podcast on iTunes in no small part due to its devoted beauty-obsessed listeners who scurry to stores when Johnson mentions products."
"Guest Editor: Jackie Johnson of Natch Beaut" on Love Goodly Blog
"We chatted with Jackie about why she started her podcast, her favorite LA vegan sushi spot, and Weird Al (um, you will have to read on to find out…)."
"Building a social media community from a podcast" on Union Metrics
"This is an interview with Jackie Johnson, host of the beauty podcast Natch Beaut. What’s it like to start a podcast and then try to build and nurture a social community from an auditory format? We’re glad you asked!"
Mention in VegNews Magazine!